Neck Pain Treatments

If neck pain is interfering with your work, your daily tasks, or any other area of your life, it’s time to seek help. Dr. Jeffrey Stark at Back & Neck Care Center of North County in Florissant, MO, can help you achieve the neck pain relief you desire.

Common Questions About Chiropractic Neck Pain Relief

Neck pain is an all-too-common complaint among Americans, but chiropractic care can provide natural and lasting relief. Below, Dr. Stark and the team at Back & Neck Care Center of North County in Florissant, MO, answer some of the most common questions about chiropractic neck pain relief.

Why Does My Neck Hurt So Much?

The bottom line with neck pain is that it typically occurs due to an issue in the musculoskeletal system. However, how that issue came to be can vary greatly depending on who is suffering from it.

Whiplash and text neck are two of the most common causes. Whiplash occurs when the head is forcefully moved beyond its normal range, resulting in tiny tears in the neck’s soft tissues. Text neck occurs when you sit with your head leaned over a device for long periods. Other causes can include a misalignment, tension, herniated discs, pinched nerves, poor posture, and more.

Is Chiropractic Care Really Effective for Neck Pain?

Yes, chiropractic care is very effective. It seeks to find the root cause of your neck pain and correct it. For example, if misalignment is at play, adjustments can restore alignment. By correcting the root cause, there is no longer a reason to be in pain.

Are Neck Adjustments Safe?

Chiropractors go through extensive schooling and training to ensure they complete all techniques with the utmost safety. However, there are some injuries and conditions that might make neck adjustments risky. Your chiropractor will gather in-depth information and complete a thorough assessment to ensure that adjustments are safe for you.

Are Adjustments the Only Technique for Neck Pain?

Adjustments are a key component of chiropractic care, but they are just one piece of the puzzle. Chiropractors also provide soft tissue therapies to address tension and restore mobility, decompression therapy to address herniated discs, therapeutic exercises to stretch and strengthen the neck, and much more depending on your specific needs.

Send neck pain packing with the help of Dr. Stark and our team at Back & Neck Care Center of North County in Florissant, MO. Call (314) 838-2220 to schedule your appointment for relief today.

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