Back Pain Treatments

Back pain is likely to impact most people at some point in their lives. Some may experience mild discomfort that comes and goes, while others face chronic debilitating pain. If you live or work in and around Florissant, MO and back pain continues to upend your daily routine and life's simple pleasures, Dr. Jeffrey Stark at the Back & Neck Care Center of North County offer various non-invasive back pain treatments that can reduce chronic or acute back pain.

Back Pain Causes

Although the cause of back pain varies similar to the pain that may manifest, the most common include the following -  

Strained Muscles/Sprained Ligaments

Fraying or overstretching a ligament or muscle – by overuse, lifting a heavy object incorrectly, or moving awkwardly, can cause reduced mobility from stiffness and pain.

Spinal Disc Issues

Spinal discs are the spongy, cushiony discs that separate the spine's vertebrae. Trauma – leading to a herniation or bulging disc, or a degenerative disc disease may contribute to back pain.

Poor Posture

Years of slouching or poor posture can lead to overburdened muscles or ligaments.


Those afflicted with osteoarthritis – which can impact the spine or any other joint, often live with reduced mobility, stiffness, and chronic pain.  

Spinal Stenosis

Stenosis in the spine is a constriction in the spinal canal. This limited space places pressure on the nerves that run through the spinal cord, resulting in pain and various symptoms.


This refers to a medical condition in which the bones become brittle and weak. Regarding back pain, osteoporosis causes the spine to become susceptible to compression fractures.

Skeletal Curvatures

Certain medical conditions, like scoliosis, may cause pain and mobility issues.  


Excessive weight requires the body to work that much harder. Muscles become strained, joints are mis/overused, and the result is often pain and limited mobility.

Chiropractic Back Pain Treatments

Back pain is often treatable using the following chiropractic techniques -

Contact a Leading Chiropractor in the Greater St Louis, MO Area

You don't have to give up life's activities because of back pain. Contact Dr. Stark at the Back & Neck Care Center of North County in Florissant, MO, for a consultation today. A team member of our professional staff can be reached online or by telephone at 214-838-2220.

We look forward to helping you live your best pain-free life with a customized back pain treatment plan. 

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7:00 am - 6:00 pm
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
7:00 am - 6:00 pm
7:00 am - 11:15 am
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7:30 am - 9:30 am